How to find the right jewellery making course for you

There are lots of different jewellery making courses on offer from a whole range of jewellery schools and independent jewellers, covering all sorts of different jewellery making techniques from silversmithing to wax carving, from online courses to workshops in person.

So as a beginner in jewellery making, how do you go about choosing the right one for you? Here’s our guide on how to navigate the different types of courses and find one to suit you.


What kind of jewellery would you like to make?


Firstly, we recommend working out which kind of jewellery making you’d like to learn first. Is it beading that interests you? Silversmithing or metal clay? Do some research, look at Pinterest and Instagram to find the style of jewellery making that most interests you. You could also look at jewellery-making books and free YouTube tutorials to get a feel for what kind of jewellery you’d like to learn how to make.


Are you looking for an in-person jewellery making course or online course?


Next, it’s a good idea to work out whether you’d be better suited to a course or workshop in person or an online course. Both have different pros and cons, and you may find one is better suited to your learning style or a better fit with your current routine/lifestyle.


With in-person courses you won’t need to have any equipment to begin with, as this is provided by the jewellery school you attend. It can also be helpful to have a tutor by your side whilst you are learning, to demonstrate or correct you when learning a technique. In-person courses are also a good way to test the water to see if jewellery making is for you – before you make an investment.


The downside to in-person courses is that you will be limited to the jewellery making courses available near you, which might not be what you are looking for or of a good standard. Time is often limited and you will probably only be left with a printed set of course notes to continue practicing at home once you’ve finished the course.


With an online course, such as the ones at Jewellers Academy, you have access to a whole range of courses focusing on different techniques. Online courses can also be taken at any time and therefore may fit in with your schedule better. You will also be able to replay the course as many times as you like – as well as see the most incredible details.


Some of the longer online courses, such as the Diplomas at Jewellers Academy are also fully supported with regular access to mentors and Q&A sessions to help guide you through your learning. Giving you the same level of support of a tutor at an in-person course.

What equipment and tools will you need to start jewellery making?

Do you want to make a specific piece of jewellery, for example, a ring? Or do you see this as a hobby that you plan to do from home? If you’d just like the experience of making a piece of jewellery then finding a workshop you can attend close to you is a good option. That way you don’t need to invest in the tools to have at home. Check out Craft Courses for local jewellery-making options.

If you have in mind that it is something you would like to do at home the next step is to consider what kind of set-up and tools you’ll need to start making the particular type of jewellery you’d like to make. The tools required to start beading or making silver clay jewellery are minimal and much more affordable compared to the basic tools required to start silversmithing for example.


We recommend working out what your budget is and how much you will need to spend on getting your workspace and tool station set up. We have a few helpful blog posts on the basic tools required for different kinds of jewellery making.


Basic tools for working with silver and gold

Basic tools for making silver clay jewellery

Basic tools for making beaded jewellery


Are you looking for a short course or a longer, more structured course?


Where are you in your jewellery making journey? If you haven’t done any jewellery making before but want to give it a try, then trying a few different, short taster courses is a good place to start.


If you’ve been making jewellery for a while whether as a hobby or as a business but want to take your skills to the next level, the perhaps a longer, more structured course such as a Diploma could be right for you.

Jewellers Academy Diploma Programs

If you’re looking for something more structured like a Diploma, then we have four exciting online Jewellery Diploma programs to choose from…

  • Year 1 - Diploma in Silver Jewellery

  • Year 2 - Diploma in Fine Jewellery

  • Year 3 - Advanced Jewellery Diploma

  • NEW FOR 2023 - Diploma in Silver Metal Clay


These are year-long, fully supported online courses which require a one day a week commitment. They are relatively flexible so can easily fit around your current routine/schedule and you can join at any level depending on your experience. To find out more about the curriculum on each Diploma click the link below.

Jewellers Academy Short Courses & Membership

If you’re not quite ready to commit to a year-long program on one of our Diplomas, then we have lots of short courses available for you to choose from. Courses include:

Plus much more! Click the link below to explore them all.

All of these courses can be purchased individually and some are completely free. You can also access all of these courses by becoming a member of Jewellers Academy on either our Makers Membership or the full Membership which also includes access to all of our business courses too.