850 etsy sales for her jewellery business and counting - meet emily

Did you dream of doing a degree in jewellery?

For many of us, unfortunately, it's a dream that we can't make a reality.

The cost of tuition. Having to relocate to a new city or even country to find the right course. Family commitments. Work commitments. Competing priorities. 

BUT, there is an alternative that you can do from home and fit in around YOUR life. AND have a thriving jewellery business with 850 Etsy sales and counting!

Meet Emily


Emily is a jewellery designer maker and is the founder of Emily Lisbeth Jewellery. She is based in Cheshire, UK. She had worked in marketing and after being made redundant started to look for an opportunity to retrain.
After learning the basics, Emily enrolled on the Diploma in Fine Jewellery as it was an opportunity to learn more advanced techniques to develop her jewellery designs.  

Take a look at these gorgeous earrings that she made 😍
(this is one of the projects on the Diploma in Fine Jewellery)



Emily said,

'I always wished I had done a degree in Jewellery but it was impossible with family commitments. The Diploma has given me the same skills but actually better than an in-person class!

Investing in myself has already paid off as I now make more money for my pieces'

Emily runs a successful jewellery business with over 850 sales on Etsy. She has been able to use the skills she's learnt on the Diploma to fit with her own style of jewellery design. AND she has already recouped the cost of the course with sales of her jewellery.

If you resonate with Emily's story then take a look at the Diploma in Fine Jewellery. It's a one-year part-time fully online course with support and accountability built in to help you achieve.  The one-to-one mentoring from an experienced and working jeweller is invaluable in helping you supercharge your learning.

The course starts in September and enrolment closes next week (on 2nd June 2023) so now's the time. 

Where do you want to be in your life one year from now?


diploma in fine jewellery

1 Year Part-Time Online - For Intermediate to Advanced Jewellers

This is year 2 in our Diploma program. You can start with this course if you have experience of jewellery making. Click the button below to find out more