Why investing in a membership programme could transform your handmade jewellery business



When you first start your handmade jewellery business, often you are brimming with excitement, enthusiasm and make jewellery for the sheer joy of it.  But sooner or later on your jewellery business journey, thoughts turn to making a profit to achieve your goals and really grow your business.  

To truly scale and grow your business you DO need to make a solid profit!  And that profit is what will give you the freedom to build the business and life that you want and deserve.

However, working out how to get there is easier said than done.  There is so much advice out there on how to run a handmade business, and you can spend a long time sifting through it all to work out what advice applies to your business and your specific business goals.  Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone you could bounce ideas off, ask questions and generally just get a bit of support to ensure you are moving in the right direction?


1:1 Business Coaching vs Group Coaching or Membership?

Working with a business coach on a 1:1 or Group Mastermind basis can be an incredibly powerful experience that really helps transform your business and yourself.

This type of coaching gives you:

  • In-depth analysis of your current business to identify the real problems facing your business and providing specific and advanced solutions to fix them

  • Tailor-made strategies & processes for business growth to suit your business and personal goals

  • A CEO mindset which is essential in helping you achieve your financial goals, feeling empowered to charge what your jewellery is worth and create a business that works for you and your life

This type of bespoke and intensive coaching works best for jewellery designer-makers that have been in business for a number of years and who are ready for significant growth and increasing profits. Or have specific issues or challenges that need a solution sooner rather than later. This type of coaching is typically higher in cost due to the tailored, personal service the coach provides.

So what is the option if this is not for you just yet? Group coaching through a membership programme can truly be a fantastic way to tap into business support and coaching, and can really help pave the way to a profitable and successful business that lets you live the life you have always wanted to create for yourself.  

The good news is that any coaching - 1:1 coaching, Masterminds and Group coaching can completely transform your business and your approach to running it, particularly if you set aside time to really dedicate to taking action.

We currently have a mastermind programme running and are planning another intake for this programme later in 2020. If you are interested in learning more about our Mastermind group coaching then do click the button below and add your email address to be kept informed.


Group Membership Programme for Jewellers

A group membership is a more cost-effective way of getting access to a proven method for scaling and growing your business and getting access to an experienced business coach and the hive mind of the rest of the members.  

Group Memberships offer:

  • Tried and tested methods to solve common business problems and generic roadmaps on how to approach them

  • Business growth strategies that can be used by a wide range of businesses to achieve success

  • A clear roadmap or learning plan to achieve success in your industry

  • A community of like-minded business owners that can provide support and advice

  • Access to an expert business coach(es) with in-depth industry knowledge and a proven track record of success

It was this need for cost-effective group coaching within the jewellery community that led to the creation of the Jewellers Academy Membership Programme with Jessica Rose.  The Jewellers Academy Membership is a year-long programme (and beyond!) where you become part of a community of like-minded jewellers who are all focussed on building their own bespoke route to growth.   The Jewellers Academy provides you with a clear business roadmap to success and you decide on the elements to implement to achieve your short-term and long-term business goals.

There is no cookie cutter formula that works for every business - don’t let anyone tell you differently! Your business is unique and what success looks like can be completely different from one person to the next.  It is all about working out YOUR goals for YOUR business, and the systems, platforms and actions that will get you there.   So you can be dedicated, held accountable, and actually grow your business in a way that works for you⁣. And to have a bit of fun with your fellow jewellers along the way!


The Jewellers Academy Membership Programme

The Jewellers Academy Membership gives you a wealth of industry specific knowledge at your fingertips and there are courses for all jewellers, at all levels, no matter where you are in your jewellery business journey!  And instead of doing this all alone (running your own business often from home can get a little lonely!). You become part of a virtual community who support each other, become each other’s biggest cheerleaders and many cases friends in real life! 


What is included in the Jewellers Academy Membership?

Members have access to:

  • Our library of Jewellers Academy business courses and workshops - we cover everything from how to start your business, branding, online marketing, jewellery photography, advanced techniques for growing and scaling your business and get those all important sales…. 

  • Our library of Jewellers Academy making courses and workshops - these comprehensive courses help you up-level your jewellery making skills, try new techniques and help you hone your signature style

  • Monthly live business check-ins where you can have your questions answered live by Jessica and her experienced team, or even take part in a hotseat session where you delve into a specific area that you are struggling with and get 1:1 support and advice to help you move forwards

  • Monthly live masterclass sessions on a specific topic - previous masterclasses have included photo styling, running a competition for your jewellery business, advanced instagram strategies, Pinterest and lots more.  And you get access to the entire masterclass catalogue

  • Membership discounts for tools and resources - we have arranged some fantastic discounts and offers with jewellery suppliers and business support services

  • A fantastically supportive dedicated Facebook group for members - this will be your 27/4 support network where you can ask for help or feedback and really tap into the experience of everyone, including Jessica and her team to help you make meaningful decisions and take action

Why the Jewellers Academy Membership might be perfect for you!

Our members have achieved so much during their time with us and many join us year after year because of the transformative change they have achieved in their business.  Just think what you could achieve if you partner a solid strategy and road map for your business with meaningful action and a supportive network of like-minded jewellers?  

It is a cost-effective way of getting amazing business support to help you achieve your goals without overwhelm and working 24/7.

Our membership only opens a couple of times a year so that we can lock in and work intensively with our members to help them achieve success.  We won’t be opening the doors to membership again until after Christmas so we can work with our members on getting ready for the all important Christmas period and making those sales!

What are the options for Membership?

There are two different types of membership with options to pay either annually or monthly. The table below outlines the differences in our membership options:


Payment Options for Membership

We understand that everyone is at different stages of their business so we offer a couple of payment options so you can choose the option that works best for you. Please see the membership page for the most up to date payment options.


If you’re serious about growing your jewellery business and developing your jewellery making then we would love you to join us. To find out more about what is included in membership and the different options available please click here.

And if you’re not ready to commit to full membership then we’re also offering Makers Membership again which gives you access to just the jewellery making courses.

Or alternatively, most of our business and making courses are available as standalone classes.


And don’t forget we talk about all aspects of running a handmade jewellery business on our podcast! The ‘Jewellers Academy Podcast’ is now live on Apple, Spotify, Google podcasts and a bunch of other platforms! So do tune in and make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!