How to get your first 10 sales in your jewellery business



Are you starting a jewellery business? Congratulations. That's so exciting!
Starting a business can be a bit daunting but it doesn’t have to be so here are some tips to get those first sales coming in. 

how to get your first 10 sales for your jewellery business jewellers academy

Tell people

Your first sales usually come from friends, family, acquaintances and referrals. You need to let people know that you are starting a business when you speak to them and ask for their help. Show them some of your work and ask if they have friends or contacts that might be interested. Getting referrals from your friends is a great way to build your network and get that initial interest.


You may be thinking about a social media strategy, creating a Facebook business page or Instagram account and these are good steps. But your first step should be to share on your own social media. 
We know that people buy from people that they know, like and trust so sharing with your network about your business is a great first step.

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Sharing great photos of your work will really help people see the beauty of your jewellery. You can do this yourself with your camera or phone. Here are some great tips for taking photos with your smartphone in this free video >


If you think a piece of jewellery you have would suit someone you know, message them directly. You could do this on social media, email or give them a call! You don't have to feel salesy about it, you can show them and ask if they like it or if they have other ideas for designs they would like. Hopefully, you'll get a sale or at the very least some useful market research!


When you get sales from friends and family do ask them to review your jewellery. They could do that on the platform they bought it from e.g. Etsy. You could ask them to share a photo of them wearing it on their social media - there are lots of ways that they could support you.

Don't feel shy about asking for support. People want the chance to support their friends and I know you would do the same for them.

Want to know more? Check out my short video >


Like the idea of a step by step approach to starting a business? Take a look at our course Launch Your Jewellery Business in 20 Days

Get a task for your jewellery business sent to you every day for 20 days. Use it as a checklist, help spread out the work and get started!

Click here to learn more >

launch your jewellery business in 20 days online course from jewellers academy