5 Types of Pliers Used For Jewellery Making - Jewellery Making Tips



In this short video Jessica Rose talks through the 5 different kinds of pliers that make up a basic set. From cutters, round nose to chain nose, Jess explains which each type is commonly used for and when you might need them.


5 Types of Pliers Used in Jewellery Making

Side Cutters - used for cutting wire and have a flat side and a bevelled side

Round Nosed - used for making loops, coils and curves

Chain Nosed (Snipe Nosed) - with a flat face and a narrow point, great for getting in small spaces

Flat Nosed - great for straightening out and manipulating wire

Half Round (D Shaped) - so useful for working with curved surfaces like rings or when creating bezel settings

You can find a list of recommended jewellery materials and tools suppliers worldwide here https://www.jewellersacademy.com/jewellery-supplies