why is metal clay going viral on instagram and tiktok?

Have you spotted metal clay jewellery on Instagram and Tiktok recently? Some of the reels have millions of views. Metal Clay artist and teacher Anna Campbell looks at why.

I have been excited to see metal clay going viral on both Instagram and Tiktok recently and thinking about why that is.

what is metal clay?

There are a few different types of metal clay including silver, copper, bronze, gold and steel clays. The one most people use is silver clay so I will talk about that but they all work in similar ways.

Silver clay was invented in Japan in the 1990s. It is made up of 100% recycled silver, an organic plant based binder and water. The clay can be molded, textured, shaped and carved. It is left to dry and then fired, either in a jewellers kiln or with a torch - a cooks crème Brulé torch will do. During the firing process the organic binder burns away and the metal particles sinter together to form one solid piece of metal. The resulting silver piece is real silver and is of hallmark quality.

If you haven’t heard of metal clay you’re not alone and I think this is one reason videos featuring making with it are getting so much attention. Watching people use it, particularly the moment it turns from clay into metal, is very satisfying!

why is it a great material for jewellers to use?

I will answer this with a story of my own. I discovered metal clay in 2010. I had originally taken a beginners silversmithing course but found the methods used in that weren’t for me. They are very physical with lots of sawing and hammering. I was disappointed but fortunately someone on the course mentioned silver clay in passing. I’d never heard of it and immediately looked into it, booking a one day workshop at the London Jewellery School. As soon as I tried it I knew it was for me!

As far as I am concerned, silver clay is just another form of silver like wire or sheet silver. There are pros and cons with each form of metal and metal clay has it’s own pros including:

  1. It is easy to work with. It is malleable and so accessible to all, particularly those with mobility issues who struggle with the more traditional methods of sawing, filing and hammering

  2. It is 100% recycled silver

  3. There is no waste. Every little bit of dust can be kept and made back into clay (you can see a video of how to do that here)

  4. You don’t need a lot of equipment to get started which is an important consideration in terms of cost and space taken up with equipment

  5. There are clays available that can be torch fired and do not require a kiln, for example, Art Clay Silver. (Tip: When buying clay do check whether it can be torch fired before purchasing as not all brands can be)

  6. There is no need to solder. Silver clay can be soldered but soldering can also be avoided, pieces can be assembled wet, dry pieces can be attached before firing etc

  7. Some gemstones can be pressed into the silver and fired in place (see the guide to which gemstones are fireable here)


Hollow form silver clay rings made by Anna Campbell. Silver Clay Box Rings is a course on the online Diploma in Silver Metal Clay with Jewellers Academy

why is metal clay going viral?

I don’t know for sure but I can make some educated guesses!

The surprise factor
Metal clay is not a well-known material so seeing it used to create jewellery is new and surprising

It's very visual
Showing metal clay going from clay stage to silver is very visual - exactly what is popular on social media right now!

Watch to the end
Videos showing metal clay in use are often watched to the end because we want to see the finished piece of jewellery. Videos that are watched to the end get shown to more people so there is a snowball effect - more people watch to the end = shown to more people!

It feels attainable
Metal clay feels accessible. When you watch someone making a piece of jewellery from silver clay you think, I could do that (and you are right of course!)

Want to give it a try for yourself? I have filmed a brand new course suitable for beginners:

Botanical Jewellery in Metal Clay

Learn how to make botanical jewellery from silver metal clay including the leaf painting method. You will also learn how to make your own moulds using natural and botanical materials like acorns, shells, sycamore pods and so much more. You can then use this mould to make your own bespoke silver jewellery including pendants, earrings, charms and more

This course is available on pre-sale at 50% off and will launch on Friday 19th April 2024 when the pre-sale will end so don't miss out!


Diploma in Silver metal clay

If, like me, you know you’re ready for more then check out the one year online Diploma in Silver Metal Clay. I know I wish this had been around when I was first starting out!

Silver Metal Clay is a fantastic material to make jewellery out of, allowing space for tons of creativity, easy to do from home and great for starting or growing a jewellery business.

This year long course is designed for anyone looking to learn and master techniques in working with silver metal clay, suitable for complete beginners or improver level jewellers looking to advance their skills.

This course is for you if your focus is to learn and improve on your technical making skills in silver metal clay either for fun, as a creative outlet or to start or grow a jewellery business.

Plus in term 3 you will have masterclasses from world class metal clay artists Julia Rai, Anna Mazon, Tracey Spurgin and Joy Funnell.

There is no course quite like this created for this end of the market for jewellers with this level of support and we can’t wait to see what you do with it.


About anna

Anna Campbell is a metal clay artist and qualified teacher. She holds both the Art Clay and PMC Rio Rewards certifications as well as the higher diploma in metal clay from the Mid Cornwall School of Jewellery. She has been working with silver clay since discovering it in 2010. She has been a demonstrator of silver clay on Create and Craft TV and has had her metal clay featured on the cover of Making Jewellery magazine. Anna is one of the tutors on the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay with Jewellers Academy, having filmed a number of courses with us. She lives in Edinburgh and is the founder and lead tutor for Jewellery School Scotland.
