want to sell more jewellery? three free resources for you

I'm taking a break from the Jewellers Academy podcast to spend some holiday time with my son but don't worry - the podcast will be back on 4th September 2023!

In the meantime, as there are 165 episodes and you may not have listened to them all, I thought I would share some popular episodes that you may have missed over the next few weeks.

This week I am sharing episodes around the area of successful selling for your jewellery business. 

Selling is crucial for a profitable and thriving business but it can be a sticky point for jewellers. How do we sell and still feel authentic? 


Here are three episodes to help you.

1. Letting go of fear - mastering your money mindset

In episode 139 I spoke with Anna Campbell about money mindset. Our thoughts about money impact how we spend or save it and how we feel about investing in our growth. In this episode, we talk about conscious consuming, budgeting, shame and gratitude. 

Why listen?
If money can be a triggering issue for you or you feel like your emotions around money are holding you back

2. Want more sales in your jewellery business? A simple sales plan that works

In episode 47 I went back to basics to and talked you through a simple sales plan to help you get results and stop the overwhelm. 

Why listen?
For a streamlined and focused plan for anyone in business, whether you've been selling for years or you've just started.

3. How I had 400+ sales in my jewellery business last year with Carol Harding, Silver Coast Jewellery

In episode 34, I spoke with Carol Harding about her jewellery business and how she makes sales.

Why listen?
For inspiration and for tips!

How do I listen to the podcast?

You can click the buttons above and listen to the episodes directly from the website.

Alternatively, search for the Jewellers Academy podcast on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts or Spotify

I hope you find these episodes inspiring.