live foundation in silver jewellery open day replay - your questions answered

It was lovely to see so many budding jewellers on the live open day for the brand new Foundation in Silver Jewellery. This course has been specially crafted for beginners ready to start their journey into jewellery making and you'll learn how to master essential skills and techniques to create stunning, professional-quality silver jewellery.

Don’t worry if you missed the open day, you can watch the replay and read answers to your questions here.


foundation in silver jewellery open day replay



Your questions answered

I’m not in the UK. Can I take this course?

Yes! The course videos are professionally filmed by a film crew and are released into your account every Monday. You can watch them whenever you like and as often as you like! You get lifetime access to the course so can always go back and watch again if you want. There are also live Q&A sessions which are held at different times to try to accomodate different time zones.

When are the live sessions as I work full time?

As part of the course you get three live Q&As that you can attend in weeks spread out through the course. We will have different times available for these to try to ensure people who are working or in different time zones can attend. If you are not able to attend but have a question you can share it in the Facebook group and the mentor will answer it. You will get access to the recordings so can watch them back if you need.

Do you have a payment plan?

We do not have a payment plan for this course. There are three cohorts - November 2023, January 2024 and March 2024. If you do need to spread the cost the best option is to save up and join one of the later cohorts.

Are we better buying the equipment from yourself or source our own?

It is your choice. The tool kit from us includes all the tools you need to make the projects. We do not make money from the tools, we provide them to make it easier for beginners to get started straight away rather than worrying about buying the right things. However, if you want to source your own or you already have some tools and want to top up you can download the full list of tools and materials here >

If I go on to take the Diploma in Silver Jewellery course will there be kit option specifically for graduates of this course (that is, not duplicating items we already have)?

Yes! We will be offering a tool upgrade package. If you buy the Foundation in Silver Jewellery toolkit and then join the Diploma in Silver Jewellery, you can opt to purchase just the tools that you need to top up so you won’t get duplicates.

Can I purchase the tool kit if I don’t join the course?

No. The tools and materials kits are exclusively available to students on the Foundation course.

I see you use FedEx for shipping the kit & materials. In your experience, do people end up having to pay additional fees to FedEx other than the shipping cost you charge?

The cost of the kit includes all shipping and customs charges. We will be paying these up front so there will be no nasty surprises!