Affirmations: a daily meditation for jewellers (podcast episode)

This week’s podcast is a little bit different. It is a five-minute episode that can be used as a daily meditation of affirmations for jewellers. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, take some time to listen to these affirmations designed especially for you. The more you repeat them, the more powerful they become for you

Jewellers Academy podcast episode 21

021: Affirmations: a daily meditation for jewellers

with Jessica Rose


Welcome Jewellers 

Today's podcast can be used as a daily meditation of affirmations for jewellers. 

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing 

Let the following phrases wash over you, 

The more we repeat them the more powerful they become 

Take a deep breath in and out and open your hear to receive these true statements. 

Know they are meant for you and you are completely deserving of each and every one of them them… 

I am enough 

I love making jewellery 

I am creative, energetic and ever inspired 

I am enough 

I trust in my abilities 

 I am smart enough to make complex decisions on my own 

I am worthy of success and abundance

I know I have what it takes 

I believe I can achieve anything I set my mind to 

I am allowed to have bad days 

I do enough 

My jewellery is a gift to the world and I feel compelled to share it 

I am building a successful jewellery business each and every day 

I do not compare myself to others 

I support and cherish my fellow jeweller 

Whatever I can dream for my business I can and will achieve 

I do not need to control everything

My jewellery is enough 

I love my job and it makes me happy 

My potential is limitless 

Every year I am learning more and more 

I do not need to rush 

I have time 

I am enough 

I am driven by passion and purpose 

I release negative thoughts and stress 

Money and wealth come easily to me 

I always have enough 

I release my fear and welcome mistakes 

I am learning every day 

I am energised by the challenges in my business 

I started my jewellery business at exactly the right time in life 

My business meets and exceeds my needs and the needs fo my family 

I can be the breadwinner 

I focus on the value-generating parts of my business 

I am a jeweller

My love and passion shines through in my beautiful jewellery 

My customers value me 

There are no limits to what I am capable of creating 

I am building my following each and every day 

I plan and take action to get results 

The people I care about are routing for me 

I deserve to be paid what my work and my time is worth 

My business will continue to grow and prosper 

I am in this for the long run and will not give up 

People need my jewellery now more than ever 

I am full of inspiration and creativity 

I handle stressful situations like a champion 

I believe in myself completely 

And I know I am supported, valued and loved. 

Thank you for joining me on this meditation of affirmations today, now you are ready to do something great. 

All the love 



The Jewellers Academy

Thanks so much for listening.


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Thank you so much,

With love

Jess x

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